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Picture of Stanislav M.

Grymaïliv, UKRAINE

Testimony of Stanislas M.

Stanislav M., vividly recounts the horrors of WWII, including mass shootings, hidden Jewish refugees, and his remarkable acts of resistance, shedding light on the resilience and compassion that can emerge amidst darkness.

Picture of Klara A.


Testimony of Klara A.

Klara A., a Jewish survivor, provides a first-hand testimony of the tragic roundup of Jews in Shklov, Belarus.

Picture of Iossyp R.


Testimony of Iossyp R.

Iossyp R. recounts in great detail life under the Hungarian occupation in Khust, the gathering of the Jews in the ghetto, his requisition as a coachman to transport them, and their deportation.

Picture of Aniceta B.


Testimony of Aniceta B.

Aniceta B. provides valuable insight into the tragic disappearance of a Jewish community in Lithuania during the Holocaust.

Picture of Adolf S.

Siemnice, POLAND

Testimony of Adolf S.

Adolf S., born in Siemnice in 1928, interviewed on August 18, 2012, in Siemnice.

Picture of Ievgueni S.

Ingulets, UKRAINE

Testimony of Ievgueni S.

Ievgueni S. recounts his personal memories about the German occupation and how he witnessed the killing of the Jewish population.

Picture of Maria J.

Hîncăuţi, MOLDOVA

Testimony of Maria J.

Maria J., born in 1932 in Hîncăuţi, interviewed on May 10, 2013 in Hîncăuţi.

Picture of Vasile B.

Scăieni, MOLDOVA

Testimony of Vasile B.

Vasile B. born in 1921 © Victoria Bahr - Yahad-In Unum

Picture of Antonina V.

Arkhangelskoye, RUSSIA

Testimony of Antonina V.

Antonina V. was an eyewitness to special killing procedures of the Germans.

Picture of Eugenija S.


Testimony of Eugenija S.

Eugenija S. was at the site in Bubiai when Jewish men, women and children were violently rounded up and being shot afterwards by paramilitary battallions.

Picture of Iossif P.


Testimony of Iossif P.

Iossif P. remembers how the Jews were violently taken out of the Ghetto of Bibrka and afterwards being shot near a brickyard. Iossif himself was requsitioned to dig one of the ditches.

Picture of Sergey G.

Alexandrovka, RUSSIA

Testimony of Sergey G.

Sergey G. tells how the SS selected the Roma in Aleksandrovka and ordered the villagers to dig pits in which the selected were subsequently shot.